Services Provided by Ranch Oaks HOARanch Oaks HOA provides the following services for the front yard of each property within the community.
Responsibilities of Each HomeownerThe following services are the responsibility of each homeowner.
Maintenance of other itemsIf any of the following need to be repaired, please contact the company below directly.
Additional Information
Landscaping ChangesPermanent changes to the front landscape require approval from the Ranch Oaks Architectural Control Committee and the Valley Ranch Homeowners Association. Seasonal flower changes do not require approval, but they must be in an edged bed &/or tree ring.
Click here for the Ranch Oaks Home Improvement Application Trash & RecyclingTrash and recycling pickup is offered by the city of Irving. For detailed information click here. In order to keep our neighborhood looking clean, trash may not be placed on the curb until after 6:00 pm the night before the scheduled pickup. Place your trash on the side of the road at the necks of each cul-de-sac. Do not place trash on your neighbor's lawn.